What we need
⦁ Clothing donations are always welcome! We especially need clothes for men since most of the people we see on the street tend to be men, however we do have other charities that we network with that ladies’ and children’s clothes can be passed on to.
⦁ We also partner with corporations for their social responsibility programmes. Blankets, soup drives and care packages are some of the most popular.
⦁ We never seem to have enough bibles to hand out. The hunger for the word of God is real. We teach our friends from the word of God.
⦁ If you have a Bible or feel it in your heart to donate towards the spreading of Bibles, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Food donations
We always need food! Normally we hand out sandwiches and fruit, when we are on street outreaches. When we are stationed at one location, it is easier to prepare cooked food and hand that out.
What we are doing
With the new wave of revival sweeping through the country, we have been called for such a time as this. Father has opened doors for us to reach out in new ways to those we have been serving on the streets over the years. From this the restoration project was born and we are starting to spread our roots in order to touch and grow alongside those we are serving. God has called us to be a generation who lives in line with the book of Acts. We are called to disciple others and in the context of Kingdom Culture that looks like walking the road with those on the streets so that we can guide them to step into their true identity as children of God. We are excited to work with God to uplift those we are serving so that they are integrated back into society.
Why we want to do it
We are not in a position to provide jobs or find employers just yet, but our aim is to provide the training for basic skills to empower and enrich the persons life so that they can find employment at their current skill level and grow from there. It doesn’t matter if the employment is permanent or part-time.
We would like individuals to assist us in their own private capacity. We merely came up with a concept to achieve a goal, and we named the project “PAY FOR A DAY”.
Many people want to help, but have no idea where to start. The idea is for an individual to use an unemployed person for a day – as an employee – and pay them i.e R250 for the day, which is what they would normally get paid for gardening.
Since you will be spending a day with them, you can do a skills analysis with this person to start assessing what they could benefit from. This is also a good place to impart some life skills and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the individual. A hot meal and a bath might also be a blessing you could provide, should you feel inclined to.
Bank Details
Kingdom Culture Global
First National Bank
Cheque Account
Account Number: 62202476372
Kingdom Culture Global is a registered NPC:
Registration number: 2014/159950/08